Twittery Goodness for 2008-01-18

  • as far as i’m concerned, 37signals just declared the digital equivalent of a snow day. #
  • @lightfoot i agree. the problem isn’t that taxes are too high, it’s that the tax base is lopsided #
  • @lightfoot cap. gains especially. #
  • dear congress: thanks, but i’d rather not have to pay off any more of your debt 30 years from now. take my check and put it towards some … #
  • would someone tell the government that the national debt isn’t a fucking mastercard? #
  • @lightfoot you don’t hate your country, you hate what it’s turning into #
  • @lightfoot which i can’t blame you for at all #
  • i think america needs a reboot, for lack of a better term #
  • clean out the congress, eliminate the electoral college, and start fresh #
  • we’ve forgotten what it means to earn our keep — we’ve lost the emphasis on "we the people" and embraced "me the gaping maw of debt and … #
  • @lightfoot funny you should mention blogs. that’s what i do for a living #
  • question for the mobb: should I keep my money in the market or use it to pay off my credit card? #
  • @lightfoot wordpress seems to be the best solution i’ve found for personal sites #
  • @lightfoot anything more than one person writing and others commenting, i move to drupal #
  • it’s 12 degrees outside, and i’m contemplating walking to the grocery store. #
  • the grocery store is 4 blocks away. #
  • it may be 12 degrees, but walking is still free. gasoline is not. #
  • @cl_m are you installing wordpress for the first time? #
  • oh, so true: #
  • you know, one of these days, i’m going to end up downloading the entire body of drupal modules. #
  • i might as well just set up an SVN repository #
  • attn. whomever is chewing up all the bandwidth on my block: knock it off. #

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